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Identifying & Dealing With Gambling Addiction

bettingvalley.co does not condone excessive gambling, if you have an addiction to gambling, please seek help immediately! 

People who gamble or are involved in gambling are facing a serious personal crisis. Gambling has become an integral part of their lives and they can’t seem to stop. Many of these people have a gambling problem and need help. It’s easy to gamble; however, the consequences of gambling addiction can be severe.

When you gamble, you spend a lot of money that you don’t have on gambling, but instead, you put your money into gambling activities. This means that you don’t have any savings, retirement funds, or investments to fall back on if you lose your job, become ill or have an emergency.

Many of the people who are in this situation don’t realize that they have a gambling problem until it is too late. However, there are some signs that may reveal problems with gambling before they become a full-blown addiction.

gambling addiction

What Is Gambling Addiction: The Definition

Gambling addiction is basically the uncontrollable desire to keep on gambling even after the physical and financial toll it exacts on one. Gambling is extremely addictive as it stimulates both the central reward system of the brain and the emotional in response system just like alcohol or drugs can.

However, in this case, the addiction results from a psychological disposition that goes far beyond the substance or behavior involved. Like any other addiction, a person’s mind and body become permanently reliant on the reward derived from gambling.

Hence, all efforts to stop the habit will be met with strong resistance and this should serve as a warning to the gambler that he is addicted to gambling and that rehab is not a far-off dream. This article will help you recognize the symptoms of gambling addiction and the best way to go about seeking treatment.

Gambling addiction means that a person has developed an obsession or reliance on his gambling behaviors and this creates emotional distance and trust between him and the various events and occurrences that occur in his life.

The key symptoms of gambling addiction include:

  • Constant betting on the outcome of gambling activities
  • Intense dependence on the “rewards” received for such activity
  • Total absence of attachment towards social obligations and responsibilities
  • Complete disinterest in other people and in the things that interest him.

You may not notice these symptoms initially but overtime they will become apparent and you may even begin to question whether your gambling activities are affecting your personal relationships in a negative way.

If your gambling addiction has already taken over your life, the main concern should be to get rid of it as soon as possible before the problem becomes out of control.

casino slot game

First Signs of a Gambling problem: Symptoms 

The first sign of a gambling problem is usually withdrawal from activities that you used to enjoy doing. If you have become addicted to gambling, chances are that your job, family, and friends no longer understand how much you are relying on them to help you get through the tough times.

This may mean that you have to decide whether or not you can live without them. If you find that this is the case, you’ll need to seek out some type of treatment for your addiction to gambling addiction.

Another sign that may indicate that you have a gambling problem is if you are constantly depressed. The reason is that a person who gambles loses a great deal of money, so depression is a normal response because you can’t possibly win back what you have lost.

This is not to say that all gamblers are depressed, but the odds are stacked against a person who suffers from depression and gambling problems. You may need to seek the help of a mental health professional in order to overcome this issue.

A gambling addiction is also likely to cause severe anxiety. Many gamblers have constant anxiety about getting into debt and losing everything that they have put into the habit. This is a very common symptom and many gamblers will get depressed because of it. You may want to get help in order to get past these problems as well.

Gambling problems are more than just a matter of luck, especially if you have a loved one who you rely on to get you through the tough times. Many addicts will go to great lengths to ensure that they get their next gambling fix.

For this reason, you will need to get involved with the recovering addict so that you can help guide them in the right direction. Be prepared to be a strong advocate for your loved one as they are struggling to get their life back on the right track. Your love and support are going to be a great help in helping them get over their gambling problems.

Just because you have a gambling problem does not mean that you are unable to live a normal, happy life. Gamblers can learn to control their urges to gamble.

If you are a gambling addict, you may have developed some unhealthy habits that are preventing you from achieving success in life. Help for gambling addiction is available, but you may need to seek the advice of a professional to get the help that you need. This is important so that you can overcome your gambling problem and get the life that you deserve.

Treating Gambling Problems

There are a few ways to quit gambling addiction. Self-help books are available which may contain valuable tips like getting professional help, developing skills to manage anxiety around money, maintaining a diary to record all activities and reactions, joining a self-help group etc. 

However, the best way to overcome a gambling addiction is to seek help from professionals and join a rehabilitation program. A professional help program can help you deal with the problem in a gradual, effective and healthy manner.

There are several treatment options available that can help you to break all kinds of addiction including alcohol, prescription drugs, smoking etc.

You should do all that you can to make sure that you do not have a relapse into gambling. You can do this by keeping in close contact with those individuals in your life who have been able to overcome a gambling problem, like your family and friends.

gambling addiction rehab

Gambling Addiction Rehab

Gambling rehabilitation centers such as , Gamblers Anonymous is a good place where one can gather with fellow gamblers who can support each other. This network is a great place to share ideas, advice and strategies with fellow gamblers and gain support for breaking the addiction.

Most of the time, individuals have to search online in order to locate such online facilities, but there are also several small chat groups where individuals can discuss all kinds of gambling related issues. You can also make new friends on these forums.

If you or your loved one is an individual suffering from gambling addiction, you must try to get in touch with an expert in this field. You must ensure that you check out the credentials of the rehab center before entering them.

Most of the addicts fall into the hands of fraudulent rehab centers by just providing them with a false certificate. You should look for a facility that is licensed by the government and has the necessary support system.

Rehab centers in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand should offer all types of therapies including de-addiction, behavioral therapy, social and family therapy, etc. In addition to all these therapies, gamblers anonymous should also provide spiritual support to the individuals.

After than protecting yourself from gambling addictions, you should prevent yourself from getting involved with blacklisted online casinos. This is because they involve with fraud activities, unfair play scheme, poor gambling experiences and more. You can learn more about all blacklisted casino in Malaysia by clicking button below.

Blacklisted Online Casino in Malaysia

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